Have you ever wondered what the fuss is about collagen? Is it necessary to apply, and will it benefit your skin? Collagen is a protein found naturally in your body, primarily in your connective tissue such as bones and skin. It provides the structure to your skin. Collagen makes up 75% of your skin’s dry weight.[1] As we age, our body produces less collagen; therefore, you will discover more wrinkles and less elasticity – less plumpness. Generally, skin becomes thinner also as you age due to the reduction in collagen. So it’s an essential ingredient in our skin.
The saying you are what you eat also applies to your skin. When your skin is looking dull and breaking out in spots, it is likely a reflection of your internal system. By eating a healthy diet that is not filled with sugar and refined carbohydrates or harmful oils, you should see improvement in your body and skin. This is also true regarding your skincare products. But with the market filled with products for the skin, which ones can give you the most radiant and younger-looking skin you desire? It's a jungle out there, so here are some simple tips and lightening skincare recommendations for you.